For Groups

Sacred Children

Self-discovery workshop for childrenkids02

This workshop is a unique opportunity for children to learn essential life skills in a fun and creative experiential learning group. They will be using colors, games, role-plays, conscious breathing and meditation techniques.


Children will learn:

  1. To understand and experience their emotional body using Emoticons
  2. Compassionate communication using (NVC) to understand their feelings and needs
  3. Conscious breathing techniques (Holotropic Breath-work)
  4. Anna Panna meditation to improve posture and concentration
  5. To build self-esteem through conscious self-expression


Nonviolent Communication (NVC) 

For Work and Family Life


Nonviolent Communication (NVC) refers to an ongoing body of research work of over 50 yrs on the role of genuine “connection” in relationships and specifically in both intra- and interpersonal relationships. This form of communication is simple, yet powerfully transformative.

Apply NVC to:

  • Effectively communicate in at home and workplace with all family members, colleagues and peers
  • Identify what you really want and need in any situation and gain understanding of what
    important in any given context
  • Make requests to help you meet your goals
  • Build self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness
  • Understand conflict from the standpoint of needs and values
  • Deepen your connection with yourself
  • Create a path for shared realities, ease of being and reconciliation

You will be able to immediately assimilate and apply what is demonstrated in small groups to deepen self-empathy and connections in relationships.


drL  Play

Rehearsals to Co-Learn & Embolden Self


drL is a play instrument to enact sublimewe which is an expression of a way of  living: being, knowing and enacting in life.  Rehearsal along with others a requires willingness and openness to a fluid, functional and purposeful way of expressing in life.

By participating in this experiential unlearning process you can activate reverence for life with the objectives of self-facilitation and peer-orientation and establishing a common conscious language of enactment in day to day life.

We will rehearse and explore together:

  • A discovery and clarity around ones contributions aligning our
    dreams, life purpose and unique skills
  • Deepening intra/inter-personal behaviour, alignment and
    fulfilment through expressing curiosity, appreciation and
  • Establishing new and improving existing relationships to support
    you and me in living a wholesome life

This invitation requests you to bring your dreams and desires to this
process of trust building, shared understanding and for integrity
where everything you and I do, say, feel, value and experience matters.


Stress Management using Emotional Freedom Technique

The Practice of Healing through Tapping


Emotional freedom technique  often known as tapping or EFT tapping is a universal healing tool that borrows from 5000 year old Chinese meridian system it can provide impressive results for physical, emotional and performance issues.

EFT is very easy to learn, and will help you:

  • Reduce or eliminate pain
  • Remove negative emotions
  • Reduce food cravings, addictions
  • Implement positive goals

This workshop will provide an overview of EFT, how and where to tap and the proper affirmation techniques, so that you can begin using EFT immediately to help yourself and others.


Affirmations for Reconciliation and Forgiveness11898893_1182486161778191_1632105380564746019_n

Ho’oponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It is a tool for atonement, for correcting errors, erasing the effects of past actions and memories that cause havoc and grief in our lives, the lives of others and on mother-nature as a whole.

Learn the Ho’oponopono mantra, breathing and forgiveness meditation over a workshop so that you can begin using the practice immediately.